We find it important to promote intelligent transportation technologies and solutions therefore CE-Traffic became a sponsor of Polish ITS Congress 2013. The event is held for the 6th time by the ITS Polska Association and it will address significant challenges that lies ahead of public sector as well as the whole Polish market.
We would like to invite all guests interested in innovative real-time traffic data technologies for presentation of Tomasz Przeździęk – Board Member of CE-Traffic for his presentation: “Use of Floating Car Data in urban Intelligent Transportation Systems. Prague case study”, which will demonstrate implementation of CE-Traffic data in Prague traffic management center. Feel free to talk us also next to our stand where we will show interesting traffic visualizations and data analysis.
This year Polish ITS Congress will take place under special circumstances, as the implementation of intelligent transportation systems is part of the first EU operational programme dedicated to ITS as well as the largest public contract in the ITS sector in Poland – national traffic management system, designed to cover all the motorways, express roads and selected national roads, has just started. We look forward to argumentative discussions with leading industry experts in Poland.
The event will be held at Mariott Hotel, Warsaw, on 13-14 May 2013. Learn more on PKITS website.